Writing in times of pandemic

I’ve heard other writers say the same thing I’m feeling, it’s hard to write, to focus on creativity, with all the devastating news being broadcast every day. So many people are sick and dying across the globe and in my own town. How can I entertain others with my writing?

Two thoughts have come to me on this. First is that I realized that I am still reading as I am socially isolating for my and the good of others. Therefore, it makes sense for writers to continue to put their work out there so that we can share with those who enjoy reading.

My second thought is that if we find it too difficult to focus on a larger work, we can just share our thoughts, no matter how weird they are. We can also share funny, sideways, off-kilter poems, ditties, photos that can help for just a moment replace the sad with some wholesome glad.

I am thankful for some of the silly videos that friends have shared with me. You Tube has been awesome. So has Twitter (as long as politics stays out of the agenda).

So go ahead and laugh when you can. Laughter is so healthy and we need to maintain our mental health, especially in dark times as these. And go ahead and share fun stuff with others, let them smile, too.

We will get through this, eventually, though none of us know when or how. Take care. Be healthy.


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